Sara es una mujer que apuesta por la moda cómoda, juvenil y de tendencia. Entre sus ‘imprescindibles’ no faltan unos pantalones pitillo, unas botas altas y una camiseta básica en tono neutro.

Eso, en cuanto a su faceta más desenfadada, pero, cuando la ocasión lo requiere, no se priva de lucir vestidos de noche vaporosos o conjuntos de ‘top’ y falda tubo por la rodilla, que la convierten en una ‘lady’ del siglo XXI.
Este verano hemos podido verla apostando por la moda del escote asimétrico. También es habitual verla con sandalias multihebillas de gran altura y en color cuero, además de cinturones de cuero a la cintura o cadera.

La periodista deportiva suele combinar sus atuendos con complementos étnicos, decantándose por collares largos con detalles africanos, los anillos grandes en plata, los relojes XL de aire sport y las pulseras de cuero trenzadas.

Atenta a sus claves:
•Apuesta por el color blanco, que adora combinarlo con negro.
•Le encantan los cinturones que superpone a camisetas y blusas.
•No faltan en su armario un ‘top’ o camisa de largo por debajo de las caderas.
•Y, como complemento estrella, ‘maxibolsos’ para el día y ‘clutch’ para la noche.

Sara is a woman who bets for the comfortable, juvenile and trend mode. Between his 'indispensable ones' a few trousers are not absent cigarette, a few high leg boots and a basic vest in neutral tone. It, as for his more confident facet, but, when the occasion needs it, one does not forbid to illuminate vaporous or joint evening dresses of 'top' and skirt pipe for the knee, which they turn her into a 'lady' of the 21st century.
This summer we could have seen her betting for the mode of the asymmetric neckline. Also it is habitual she to be seen with sandals by multiclasps of great height and in color leather, besides belts of leather to the waist or hip.

The sports journalist is in the habit of combining his pomps with ethnic complements, the clocks being praised by long necklaces by African details, the big rings in silver, the air XLth sport and the bracelets of leather plaited.

It commits an outrage against his keys:
- Bets for the white color, which it adores to combine it with black.
- She is charmed with the belts that it superposes to vests and blouses.
- Are not absent in his cupboard a 'top' or shirt of length below the hips.
- And, as major complement, 'maxibolsos' for the day and 'clutch' for the night.
You have read this article sara carbonero estilo / style with the title EL ESTILO DE SARA CARBONERO. SARA CARBONERO´S STYLE. You can bookmark this page URL https://cerriellis.blogspot.com/2010/10/el-estilo-de-sara-carbonero-sara.html. Thanks!
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