Gucci parece que ha desatado la guerra del color y tanto la hija de Carolina de Mónaco como nuestra Sarita se apuntan a este outfit. El problema es que casi les valía la pena a las dos comprar en el mercadillo porque ya es triste que coincidas con un total look de pasarela. Ante la pregunta de a quién le queda mejor nos meteríamos en terrenos escabrosos porque por un lado está la juventud y naturalidad de Carlota frente a la muy operada Sarita nacional. Mejor opinad vosotros.
Gucci seems to have sparked the war in color and both the daughter of Princess Caroline of Monaco and our Sarita is pointing to this outfit. The problem is that most of them was worth the two purchased in the market because it is sad that coincides with a total look on the catwalk. When asked who he is better we'd get into rough terrain because on one hand is the youth and naturalness of Carlota against the very national Sarita operated. Express your opinion you better.
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